Royal International Air Tattoo 2007

Planes in the air // Letadla ve vzduchu

F-16C taking off
I alway think that this plane belongs to the Czech Army when I see it, but then I realize that Czechs don't have any F-16's. It's just that the roundel is so similar at first sight. The plane belongs to Dutch Army // Vzdycky si myslim, ze to je ceske letadlo nez mi dojde ze my mame Gripeny a ne F-16 - muze zato podobny armadni znak. Tahle F-16C je holandska
I alway think that this plane belongs to the Czech Army when I see it, but then I realize that Czechs don't have any F-16's. It's just that the roundel is so similar at first sight. The plane belongs to Dutch Army // Vzdycky si myslim, ze to je ceske letadlo nez mi dojde ze my mame Gripeny a ne F-16 - muze zato podobny armadni znak. Tahle F-16C je holandska
(c) 2007 Jirka Vejrazka